Her Story

Yvonne utilizes interdisciplinary means to communicate her creative stream.  In her undergraduate work, she developed the concept of fragmentation to describe the creative transformations artists experience in their process.  During her Masters in Fine Art Digital, she expanded on fragmentation to locate the interface between the digital and the material as the crucial site of such transformations. This work later directed her doctoral investigations beyond such a point of interaction, which came to describe these spaces as the betweens, redefining them as the interstices. Yvonne has restructured our way of thinking from the inside out through her examination of the interstices using poetry, music, sound, drawing and colour to form expanded spatial poems.

Drawing upon her background as a physician and influenced by Alfred North Whitehead, Jacques Derrida, and Cézanne, Yvonne merges the quantum thinking of Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger and Karen Barad to understand in microscopic detail the process between artist, artwork and audience. She uses her art as an invitation for others to engage in and discover knowledge in these interstitial spaces.