Number 73–


After darkness seeps into dusk

            Hear howling in the air

                                                Stumbling behind cadences of delight

                                                                        Moon blazing covers me

In shrouded silver


                                                                                    Running with werewolves

                        Heart pounding in the breakaway

                                                                        Miss you all in the dawn

                                                Never my territory though tried

                                                            Faithful until the end

                                                                                    Grabbed me for her swathed self

                                                                        A muse

                                                Not responsible irresponsible

                                                                                    Reckless in word only

                                                                        Heart shimmering from joy

                                    Maybe another word for freshness

                                                                                    Maybe this pack

                                                                                    A novelty until

                                                            Alternate haunting raises its voice beckoning

                                                                        As if there is choice




Number 122—for M and T


stand still

not yet done

soundless fly I


where roam we


as before

not tortured

like Lear

by own flesh

but there




at will

in joy

you and I





Number 6


Tomorrow, tomorrow. Another tomorrow

convinces restlessness to wait.

Secure beliefs around infinity bastardized

in translation.

Temporal failings a sure bet

though when and where appear at will.

Always yearning for that moment

to present as a gift.

No such luck for the ordinary.

Distractions unceasing before, between and after.

Dig deep to find treasure,

certain of its existence though tough the trowel renders.

Submit, submerge and sink into today.

Temptation endorses no contemplation.

Disquiet swirls in acrimonious outcry,

shredding duty so faint desire flourishes.

Pulsating, breathing, diminishing the din,

Out bursts the sistrum.

Sheer grit dances guiltless with Aoide,

entwined in everlasting rhythms.

Waxing, waning, sidestepping inertia.

Ear bent with anticipation,

Ever ready for the guest.

Afraid of sandstorms

in my ears and

in my eyes.



All materials and work presented here are the copyright©2022 of Yvonne Opalinski. This copy has been supplied for this website only on the understanding that it is copyright material, and that no aspect of the work may be published without proper acknowledgment.