

2022 Doctor of Philosophy, Fine Art, Lancaster University

2016                            Master of Arts: Fine Art Digital with Distinction, University of the Arts London – Camberwell College

2009                           Bachelor of Fine Art with Distinction, OCAD University

1999                            Ophthalmology Residency, West Virginia University

1990                            Doctor of Medicine, University of Toronto                               

1985                            Bachelor of Science with Distinction, University of Toronto



2019 LICA Installation for Doctoral Upgrade – Lancaster University, UK
2018 New York Art Expo – New York, USA
2017 Art Basel Miami—Red Dot Exhibition, Miami USA
Bohème Gallery, Grand Opening Exhibition—Saskatoon Canada
Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series Exhibition—Regional Semi- Finalist - Toronto Canada

2017                             New York Art Expo – New York, NY, USA - Apr 21 - 24

                                     Electron Salon, Group Exhibition, LA Centre for Digital Arts, Los Angeles – March 9 – April 1       

2016                            Art Basel Miami - Red Dot Exhibition, Miami, USA –December 1 - 4

                                    Camberwell MA Visual Arts Summer Show, London, EnglandJuly 14 - 20

                                    Electron Salon, Group Exhibition, LA Centre for Digital Arts, Los Angeles USA – March 17 – April 9

                                    Electron Salon, Group Exhibition, LA Centre for Digital Arts, Los Angeles USA – January 14 – February 20

2015                            Pop-Up Exhibition – Camberwell College, London, England – November 26

                                    UAL Post-Graduate Visual Arts Show – Le Radeau de la Meduse, South Block Gallery Space, Camberwell College, London, England – July 16 – 22

                                    Conflux Exhibition – Private View Night– Metameric Malfunction, The Electrician’s Shop, Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, England - July 10

                                    Pop-Up Interim Post-Graduate Art Exhibition, Camberwell College, London, England – March 25 - 27

2014                            Electron Salon Exhibition, LA Centre for Digital Arts, Los Angeles USA – January 9 - February 1

2013                            Snap to Grid Exhibition, LA Centre for Digital Arts, Los Angeles, USA – December 12 – January 4

                                    Variations, Mostra Internazionale d’Arte, Galleria de Marchi, Bologna, Italy – November 16 - 28

                                    Riverdale Art Walk, Toronto, Canada – June 1-2

                                    Toronto Art Expo, Toronto, Canada – April 12 - 15

2012                            Sunnyside Beach Juried Art Show, Toronto, Canada – September 21 - 23

2010                           The Next Big Thing, OCAD U Gallery, Toronto, Canada

2009                          OCAD Graduate Exhibition, Toronto, Canada

2007                           Student Gallery Exhibition, OCAD U, Toronto



2021 Graduate Teaching Assistant – Lancaster University – LICA 130: Fine Art Practice – Group Crits

2018—2019 LICA PhD Academic Representative for Distance Post-Graduate Researchers, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Lancaster University, Lancaster UK

2010— 2019 Art Studio InstructorDendrite Works, Toronto Canada

2003— 2019 Introductory Surgical Instruction - Department of Cardiovascular Surgery – University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine Teaching Sites


2022 Research and practice in the creative arts and design -The 2nd Annual International Conference on Student-led Research and Innovation in Arts, Humanities &

Social Sciences – June 1-2 presenting: “Macro into Micro: When collapse facilitates knowledge”

2020 UK Post-Graduate Research Call and Response Symposium - the Royal College of Art, University of Greenwich and NAFAE– presented “A Glance in Betweens”

2018 Post-Graduate Research Conference, Lancaster University – Poster Presentation “Creativity in the Spacetime Continuum”

2014— 2016 Post-Graduate Seminars, Camberwell College, UAL, London UK


2018 Lancaster University Research Travel Grant

2017 Bombay Sapphire Regional Semi-Finalist, Toronto

2016                            Innovative Art Award, Red Dot Miami Exhibition

2014                            American Art Award Recipient in Abstract Expressionism, Cubism and Renaissance Divisions

2009                           Curry’s Art Store Award, OCAD University

                                     401 Richmond Career Launcher Prize Finalist, OCAD U

2008                           Elizabeth Dales Memorial Award - Renaissance and Baroque Studies, OCAD U



2020 – current Tosh Design Studio and Gallery

2019 – current Research Bites –Lancaster University

2018 – current RIP an art confab –Integrated Media Art Collective

2017 Bohème Gallery

2016                            Novem Fine Art Gallery

2014 – Current           Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK

2014 – 2016                 University of the Arts London Post-Graduate Student Union

2013 - 2014                  The Artist’s Network

2012 - 2014                  The Federation of Canadian Artists

2007 - Current           CARFAC




2016                            artlystThe Independent Voice of Contemporary Art

Art Review 18-07-2016 - Florence Goodhand-Tait


2015                            Lumen Art Prize, London, England – Critical Response – May 14 – 21   http://carpenuncdiem.wordpress.com/

2014                            International Contemporary Artists. First ed. Vol. 8., New York: ICA, 2014.           

2013                             http://torontoartexpo.com/2013gallery/opalinsky.html
